Registered Woking League players

The following 19 SBL players for Woking are eligible for selection for the 2016 - 2017 season:

Graham Andrewsr23-10-2013Wokings1668, Br1623, D
Ian G Berryr01-09-2005Wokings1615, Dr?
Joe Blackmanr18-10-2016Wokinges157r?
Vladimir Bovtramovicsr18-10-2016Wokings1911, Ar1750, C
Bob Castler03-09-2013Wokings1398, *r?
David Chartersr01-09-2005Wokings1570, Cr?
John G Davisr01-09-2005Wokings1518, Er1743, *
Chris Eliadisr01-09-2005Wokings1503, Er1698, F
Michael P Fossr01-09-2005Wokings1533, Cr?
Edward Hargreavesr20-11-2016Wokings1645, Cr?
Danny Kovicr05-09-2016Wokings1930, Dr1653, *
Robin Lackr01-09-2005Wokings1390, Er?
Erik W Listerr28-08-2015Wokings1578, *r?
Frank S Robertsr01-09-2005Wokings1600, Er?
Mike Russellr01-09-2005Wokings1488, Er?
Keith Scottr21-05-2012Wokings1473, Er?
Gonzalo Shoobridger23-08-2016Wokings1675, Er1705, *
John Speechleyr01-09-2005Wokings1075, Er?
John Thorogoodr25-04-2017Wokinges78r?